Sunday 6 October 2019

Statement of Intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

Product 1

My first issue will be a November issue which has a front cover featuring an image from an upcoming horror film. I plan to use a black male as cover star for this image. The clothing will be all black as this will further support the horror aspect of the cover. The intended setting for this image is an abandoned building and the shot type will be either a long or mid shot. This cover will target 16-25 year olds as it is showing a more mature film which appeals to young adults. The cover star will also be a similar age which again reinforces the target market. My second issue will feature a white male as the star of the front cover. This cover star will be wearing bomber jacket and will be holding a fictional blaster type prop. It will be promoting a science fiction film which will be releasing soon. The shot will be a mid shot and the show the stars waist and up. This will allow the science fiction element to be emphasised. My magazine will be named 'Film Focus'. This title allows for people to instantly recognise what this magazine is about and that it is purely about films. It is targeted at 16 - 25 year olds who are 'film enthusiasts', It is intended for people with a previous knowledge of films and a passion for them. The magazine will feature the biggest blockbusters, actors and actresses as we want the magazine to be about the biggest and best part of cinema. I plan for my front covers to show two different genres of films and representation of cover stars. My content pages for both issues will feature roughly 5 images each and will show different genres such as comedies.

Product 2

For my website of my magazine I am going to be including many conventions of websites. My website will have a drop down menu var which will have many links to follow such as , contact us, movies, links to purchase physical copies of the magazine and many more. My website will also have a main image at the top which will be linked to top headline of that current day. There will also be other articles below it but the images and text will be smaller and will take less space overall. It will also feature a movie review tab which will feature a one to 5 tar system and will be easily accessible to view. The website will use the same masthead as the magazine. It will use the same masthead so people can immediately recognise that the website complements the magazine. My magazine will be in the style of Empire’s magazine website and will be minimalistic to appeal to my 16 - 25 target audience. My front covers will also be available to view on a different tab of the website.

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)

My magazine and website will both have the same articles featured within them so that people digitally can enjoy the same content. They will also use the same masthead so people can recognise that this sis the same product, just in a different form. The website will also have a purchase link to the print and the print will have a link to the website on the content page. This reinforces the idea that they are connected and that Film Focus is ‘digitally convergent’.The website will also have the front covers for both issues on the website so customers can view the cover digitally. The website and magazine will also feature the same image as each other so that they consistently appeal to the 16 - 25 target audience for Film Focus.

Content Page 2